William Ivan Everett Zinn

Age 21

Born: May 28, 1901 in the Oakland neighborhood of Topeka, Kansas

Parents: Willis Ivan Zinn and Zeruah Ann Darland

Siblings: Jesse Firman, Charles Wesley, Wyatt Ambrose “Bruce”, Arthur Dexter

Marriage: November 8, 1922 to Ursula Emmeline Ellison

Children: Norman Lee – 1925, Marjorie Evelyn – 1926, Harley Eugene – 1929, Alice Louise – 1936

Baptism: July 11, 1965 at Perry Christian Church by Bill Claycomb

Death: May 7, 1974 in Topeka, Kansas


Author Unknown – 1974

Never too much style about him, but ever neat in dress; Sort of spent his life a sowin’ seeds of happiness; Doin’ little things for others, helping’ where he could; Never making’ much pretension; always doin’ good.

Home for him, was all for livin’, filled his heart with pride, And his doors were ever open, latch strings hung outside. Folks who came were always welcome, loved to have them round, Wanted much of joy and laughter, seemed to love the sound.

Had his cares and had his troubles; same as all of us; Figured them a part of living, never made much fuss. Made the best of all God gave him, as through life he went Ever toiling, giving, taking, kind and provident.

Sweet the memory he’s left his children, though their hearts be sad; How great the blessing that was given, just to call him Dad. Vain the tribute we would pay him, words cannot express What it meant to have him with us and our thankfulness.

Marjorie’s Musical Memories

One year for a gift to us children my mom recorded “Songs Close to My Heart” which was a series of songs connected with memories of her parents and grandparents. Here are two for her father.

The Indian Maid
Buffalo Gals

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