I’m a daughter, sister, mother and grandmother. I do genealogy for fun. My mother and grandmother were avid genealogists. They loved to find the stories behind the family and that had a great influence on me.
My journey into genealogy began when my daughter was in elementary school and had an assignment for school to create a family tree. That’s all it took. I was hooked after that.
With the help of a computer, something my mother and grandmother didn’t have, I was able to search places they could only dream of searching. It was like opening a giant treasure box never knowing what you might pull out of the box next; a newspaper article, a picture, a map of the land owned by an ancestor, or finding that name of the father or mother that was previously unknown. It’s all a wonderful treasure trove.
When my mother and father passed away, I became the “keeper” of the family genealogy files and ephemera. As excited as I was to have all this treasure at my disposal, I knew that it was not something only for me. It was a gift to be shared with the rest of the family.
I hope to share out the many stories, pictures, and information from this treasure box and to connect with family near and far.