Trip to the Sea Shore

In 1894, Overton spent 10 days on the beach of the Pacific Ocean.  The tide being governed by the moon, the full of the moon each month is the high tide and Overton was watching it recede when he noticed a rock he had never seen before and procured a star fish, which is still a treasured souvenir.

He and two other men, William Parrett and Jack Jackson, went to see an interesting cave.  Not having a lantern they used matches, lighting them as they descended into the cave.  After going about thirty feet, Will said, “Say boys, we better not go any farther, as it’s soon time for the tide to come in, ” so they retraced their steps but just as they emerged from the cave a big breaker came up, running into the cave and they came that near being drowned.

The day before they were to leave the beach, someone suggested at breakfast that they go to Sand Cape and hunt for shells, take their dinner and fish.  They went and following a sand sheep trial came abruptly to three high steps, which the gal passed over except one woman, Mrs. Evans, who was in the rear.  She weighed two hundred and twenty-five pounds and when she went to mount the second step the first one gave away and she was unable to reach it.  Willis Parrett said, “Say Judge we must help this woman” and having a clothes line along, tied one end around her waist and one got at the center and the other at the end.  “He! O He!” and up she went.  They decided to go home a nearer way and had to go over a four foot embankment.  All slid over O.K., but Mrs. Evans and when she slid down she plowed up the sand ten to fifteen feet.  Overton said she left her mark on the world, which made her very angry.

(Estimated date)