Overton and Anna’s Children

Laura Jane was born, June 15, 1867.  Her little brother Willie on May 3rd, 1869 and Nancy Evaline “Nannie” on February 2, 1871.  That same year, 1871, the family moved to the old homestead near A.D. Simmons near Muscotah, Kansas, in the western part of Atchison county.

In 1874 little Willie died with a congestive chill.  Sarah Olivia was born March 18, 1875 and died at the age of 11 days.  On April 22, 1876 Amanda May was born, and Martha Ida “Mattie”, the 6th day of April 1878.  LeRoy Overton was born on February 6, 1881 and died with the measles in 1889.  Otho Ambrose was born on February 21, 1892.

On the 3rd of June 1892, Anna (Simmons) Ellison died and the little 3 month old baby, Otho, was raised by Overton and Aunt May on the bottle.