
Hello Family!

Welcome to the

Love Our Family History

blog and website!  

What is this?

This is a place to share my love of our family history with you.  It’s a continual work in progress, just like genealogy research. Currently I am working on the Zinn Family line with pages which start with my grandfather, Everett Zinn, and continue back three generations.  In the future you will see the development of more Zinn, Ellison, Beems, Hull and other family named pages.

Why would I do this?

I became interested in our family history when my daughter had to create a family tree for an elementary school project years (and years) ago.  It was so much fun to work on that with her.  I loved hearing my mother tell me stories of these ancestors, and I wanted to learn more.  I’ve been doing research here and there ever since. After the passing of my parents, I became the keeper of my parents genealogy records and family ephemera.  The collection not only encompassed my mother’s genealogy research, but also her mother and grandmother’s as well as my father’s mother.  I have files of data and boxes of memorabilia.  These are great treasures, but not meant to be kept stored away where no one can see them.  I want to share these treasures with you.

What to expect?

In the posts that will be coming out about once a month, I will share with you discoveries I’ve made, interesting details that don’t have a home on the website, more pictures, stories and anything else related to our family history.  I hope that you will share your memories and knowledge in the comments, so that more color will be added to our family portrait. 

I also want to invite you to be a guest writer for the blog with a family story that you might like to share.

Please share this site with your family. Your help to expand the roots of our family tree is greatly appreciated.

I hope you will enjoy and Love Our Family History!